Who are the women that inspire you most? LET THEM KNOW IT TODAY on International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day!

Over at Project Love this year, we are celebrating International Women’s Day by thanking the women that inspire us.

From our best friends, to our work colleagues, to the women in the world whose words, actions and creations have inspired us.

And we are inviting you to do the same…

Because when women drop the comparison and competition with one another and instead create a chain of women helping women, inspiring one another and thanking one another for all that they do and all that they are in the world, magic happens.

Women step fully into their power, a power that is fueled and magnified by the support and love of other women.

So give it a go today and join that chain.


So who are the women that you would like to thank?


Think of all the women that inspire you and choose your top three at the moment.


Write down the reasons WHY they inspire you so much. What is it about them?

What are the qualities that they possess that you most admire? Courage, empathy, love, passion, strength, resilience, wholeheartedness, boldness, self-expression...etc

Take some time to think about what it is about them and the way they are in the world that most inspires you about them.


Write them a letter, send them a text, tweet them, email them, drop them a line on instagram. Whether it’s your sister, Michelle Obama, your boss or Bjork. Reach out and thank them.

Thank them for the ways that they inspire you.

Thank them for having the courage to be who they are.

Thank them for all they have done to get to where they are today.

Thank them for the way they contribute to the world.

And then let them be your guide

Choose the woman from your list of three that inspires you the most at the moment.
And let her be your guide and inspiration for the rest of the year.

If you know her personally, spend time with her, ask her questions, learn from her.

If you don’t know her, read up about her, read the things that she has to say, learn about her story, the challenges she has over-come, the lessons she has learnt, the beliefs that guide her in life.

And as you hold her up as your inspiration, know this: the qualities you see in her, that you so admire, are qualities that you have in you.

That is why you have chosen her as your guide, because whether you are aware of it or not, you see yourself and your potential reflected in her.

She and you are far more similar than you might realise.

You are part of the same tribe.

Which is why she calls to you and awakens something within you.

And which is why she will be able to show you how to step into your true power, just as someone did for her.

Let her inspire you and show you the way.

X Selina & Vicki

P.S. Global Sisterhood Day is on 18th March - book a handful of girlfriends in on that day to run a sister circle and experience the power of sisterhood. If you’re new to sister circles and have never done one before YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT - download our free guide to running a sister circle over here