Ep 87: Stepping into a new decade…


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Hello lovely, 

Selina here, you may have heard me talking recently, on the Project Love podcast and IG stories, about stepping out of my 30s and into my 40s. I wanted to use it as an opportunity to really reflect on the last decade of my life and step into my 40s feeling excited and empowered. 

However, I’ll be honest, at first I didn’t feel at all excited about stepping into my 40s, quite the opposite. And so I decided to create a ‘Goodbye 30s Hello 40s’ process for myself. Much like the Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 journal. But with 10 years of reflecting. 

And wow, was it a powerful process. 

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I have now stepped fully into my 40s exactly as I had wanted to - feeling full of excitement, fully in my power and ready for a new decade and a new age. 

And of course, it’s not only me that is saying farewell to one decade and stepping into a new one, because as this year comes to an end, we are ALL doing it. 

And so Vicki and I wanted to dedicate this episode to sharing this process of saying farewell to one decade and stepping into a new one with love and intention, so that you can do it too. 

You’ll also hear about the ritual weekend I designed with Tiu de Haan where I went with four of my girlfriends (including Vicki) to a cabin in the woods and spent the weekend doing beautiful rituals, culminating in one where I made promises to myself as I stepped in my 40s with my four friends as my witnesses. 

I literally can’t think of a better way to celebrate stepping into my fourth decade! It was so beautiful and life affirming. 

So grab a pen and paper and hit play and let’s start your own process of waving goodbye to one decade with love and gratitude and stepping into this next one feeling the way you want to feel 😍

X Selina